Sunday, May 25, 2014

What a Weekend! May 24/25

We had a super busy weekend!

Saturday was Little Big's birthday and we brought you downstairs for part of it. You loved seeing sooo many people but it completely wore you out! You took a long afternoon nap and after dinner spent some time with Uncle B and Aunt K (the ones who gave you Sophie!) It was absolutely precious to watch them play with you before bath time!

Sunday was a little more calm. You spent some more time with Nanny and Grandpa before they went home and got some recliner time with both sisters.

You must have gotten some really good sleep last night because you were FULL of energy and smiles from morning until bed time today! Nanny got each of you an Oragami Owl piece of jewelry and the little bracelet was so tiny!!!  You liked it because it rattled when you moved your hand :)


  1. Such a blessed little family. Thank you for sharing your weekend with everyone. ..Lexi wasn't the only one who ended up super tired after a busy birthday party!

  2. That bracelet is so precious! She is so cute!!!

  3. Progress by leaps and bounds! If love and attention can help her overcome her challenges that baby girl has it made!
