Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy 4 Months! - April 20

Happy 4 Months Baby Girl and welcome to our new space! Every 4 month old gets a blog right?? I decided to give the blog a clean start so that I could go back to writing about other things on my blog like I used to, without making everyone who wants to know how Baby Girl is doing weed through posts. I also want to use this space to chronicle Baby Girl's life in one dedicated space so that when she is older she will know what a headache she was as a baby :) (Just kidding future Baby Girl - you were and still are a blessing in all of our lives and we love you very much!!!)

So: Happy 4 Months! Here are four brief recap points of what has happened up to this point -

1) You were born (duh.) To read about some of the things that we went through around that time, read this post, this post and this post. That pretty much sums up the first few days of your life, and the months leading up to it!

2) You have had 3 major surgeries: there was the diaphragm plication first, then the g-tube and fundoplication surgery, and lastly the tracheotomy. There were a few bumps along the road to recovery, but you pulled through them all!

3) You got to spend the most amazing 2 weeks at HOME (well, amazing until the last day...)

4) You've spent every holiday in the hospital since you were born.

Hanging out with Daddy Christmas Eve
In Mama's first Christmas Dress 
My First Christmas
Our first family photo! Merry Christmas!
New Year wasn't as exciting - you did a lot of sleeping, but I did get the first picture of you smiling :)

I might have gone overboard on Valentine's Day fun with a heart outfit for every day that week...but Big Big gets some of the credit / blame for helping me pick them out!

And that's nothing compared to Nanny's spring break fun:

You came home on St. Patrick's Day but you were in the hospital for half of it...and I didn't put a lick of green on you!

Most recently, Happy Easter! Nanny and I went shopping to find you a cute Easter dress for your first Easter, but Daddy is actually the one who picked this out!

You were a little bit of a stinker and wouldn't smile AT ALL for Nanny...until she put her camera down. But you made sure to let us know when you were tired of picture taking -

You're back in the hospital for now, getting stronger, smiling, being the (nosy) social butterfly that all of the nurses love and getting better so that you can come home for good - We're just waiting on your sleep study next Tuesday so we can get everything straightened out. Meanwhile, Mama is pulling her hair out thinking about everything that she has to learn to take care of you! But every bit of the stress and heartache and every tear will be worth it when we get to bring you back to where you belong! 

We love you Baby Girl - Daddy, Big Big, Little Big and I are ready for our family to be back together, but we want it to be when you're recovered and healthy and ready so we'll be patient! 


  1. Happy Easter Lexi Jo! Nanny loves you sweet girl!

  2. I like the new page. Lexi looks beautiful in her Easter outfit. Daddy did a good job.

  3. She just looks so beautiful...I wish I could see her in person! You all are taking such good care of her. She is so loved and it shows. KeeKeep us posted up here in Seattle. We are waiting for your posts!
