Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hey look, another parade! - April 26

Dr. P and the nurse both said you had a great night as soon as we came in today. They kept a close eye on you last night and said there were a couple of times you would start coughing / gagging again but it wasn't nearly as intense or as often as yesterday - it didn't even wake you up! There did seen to be something still bothering you today though so not sure if that's just left over irritation or if the trach is still rubbing... We'll find out Monday!

Other than not liking the ventilator tubes being in the way of your hands, you were super happy and energetic today - kicking your feet all over the place and waving your arms. You were really happy to see Daddy and just kept staring at him for about five minutes when we first got there.

We had to leave a little earlier than usual for a Saturday because tonight in another parade and we didn't want to get stuck in the parking lot! Sleep well Baby Girl - we love you!

You had a pretty rough time waking up this took you about 10 minutes of stretching and kicking before you decided to finally wake up :)

1 comment:

  1. Sleepy girl! Thankful for the time with Daddy...he certainly has some adorable Princesses in his life ♡
