Tuesday, June 26, 2018

A few minor updates... June 26

I feel like nothing has really happened since my last post in January - which is definitely a good thing medically speaking!

You were out of casts and back at school walking three days a week and using your chair two days a week by the end of January. After you learned about patterns, you were continually finding them in our everyday routines and your favorite to say is "chair walker chair walker chair". We are working on next year's pattern becoming "crutches chair crutches chair crutches!"

In February you started playing T-Ball, which you absolutely LOVED! We will definitely be doing that again next year! Unfortunately, your braces did not hold up so well and I had to do several repair jobs on them throughout the season... can't wait to hear what your doctors say about that at the next appointment :)

In March we had some fun at Spring Break with Grandpa and Nanny. Got to go swimming, fishing, took a road trip to see Pops and Gigi. 

You continue to amaze me with how fearless you are. You have started walking up and down the stair by yourself instead of scooting on your bottom one step at a time. You have no issue with wiggling your way up onto or down out of a chair, the couch, beds, etc. It doesn't surprise me anymore to walk in on situations like this:

Your class went on their field trip to the park across the street from the school in April and you thought it was the coolest thing ever to get to play with your friends. They blew bubbles and wrote with sidewalk chalk then had a snack on the play ground. So. much. fun.

School wrapped up more quickly than any of us were ready for and now here we are! It's summer time! You got to spend some time with Nanny last week while Mama was at work and came home with all sorts of new accessories -

Yesterday, we took a trip to Sea World with Daddy's side of the family and you were absolutely fascinated with watching the trainers swim with the animals. You kept asking when it was our turn to swim with them and didn't quite understand what I meant when I said they had been practicing for a long time to learn how to swim with the whales and dolphins. Apparently, you know how to swim and that should be enough! You favorites were definitely the dolphins and sharks.

Today, we went to the dentist and had an appointment with GI doctor. Dentist took some quick x-rays and said everything looks good. He also said that your roots aren't quite as long as they should be, which isn't unusual for kiddos with medical issues since the "stuff" needed for growing teeth before they pop out usually go towards other, more pressing needs in the body. He said not to be surprised if you lose you teeth earlier than your friends and have to wait longer for your adult teeth to come in since they weren't growing under the gum line yet.

GI was thrilled to hear that you have only had two tube feeds since school let out and are eating all. day. long. Unfortunately, your weight is down from our last visit so he wants us to try to find something to boost your calories. If we can't get it on the upward trend again in six weeks when we go for a weight check, we will need to start doing at least one tube meal per day to make sure you're getting those extras in. It is a negligible amount, we only need to increase your intake by 10% of the calories to make a difference; but he doesn't want the downward trend to continue. The tricky part is: you like low calorie foods. You would eat broccoli and carrots all day long, but would need to eat about 1000 times as much as you normally do in order to see the calorie difference! We'll play around with some of the cooking methods and see where we can boost some of the fats in your diet and hopefully that will make a difference because the drink they sent home to sample tastes disgusting!!!

That's all for now - we'll check in at the end of the summer after we see ENT, Ortho, and GI again!

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