Wednesday, September 14, 2016

AMC Awareness Day - Sept 14

AMC Awareness day is June 30 of each year. This year I had the unique opportunity to tell your story and share about AMC while we were at EYL Camp. In addition, the group took up a collection that we were able to take to the AMCSI Conference the very next week - what great timing!

You're probably asking, what does all of that stuff that happened in June / July have to do with a post in September? I've had several people ask me about the presentation I gave at camp and I FINALLY got it made into a video to be able to share with everyone! Building the presentation took quite a bit of mental (and emotional) effort - it was both amazing to look back at how far you've come and heart-breaking to look at how close we came to losing you a couple of times!

So here is that video:

Now for the fun part: you have made SO MUCH progress since June!!! Going back to the presentation just two short months later, it amazes me how out of date it already is!

We got your trach stoma closed in early August so we are completely through with that. Just yesterday we had a follow up with the ENT and she cleared you for aqua therapy - which is great because you LOVE the water!

She was pretty sad though because she is out of reasons to keep seeing you! She went ahead and scheduled one more check up in 6 months "just to make sure", but after that we are down one specialist! It's a bitter sweet thought because Dr. B has seen us through so much and has always been open and honest and direct with me about what's going on!

The clips in the video presentation show you slowly moving in your walker, but in the last two weeks it has finally clicked that you can go on your own and now YOU ARE GONE! You started chasing puppies at our family reunion over Labor Day and every day since then (with the exception of one or two) you have spent at least 25-30 minutes walking. We've gone from spending 30-45 minutes in your HKFOs to almost 3-4 hours straight - which the doctors at Shriners should be thrilled about. At the last visit they said they wanted us to work up to 7-8 hours a day and we almost laughed because we thought we were doing good to get the 45 minutes!!

My favorite walking experience in the last couple of weeks would have to be you walking into the NICU yesterday and getting to see your doctor, a few nurses, AND your PT, OT and ST all happened to be right there when you walked in. There might have been a few tears.

It is so hard to believe that we have only been home for two years now; but at the same time, every time we go back to visit it feels like a lifetime ago!

Most of our walking has been done outside - you've now mastered walking in grass, on sidewalks, going uphill and downhill, on asphalt and on dirt paths. Our neighbors have been pretty patient with us as we take up the entire sidewalk...and walk down the middle of the street sometimes.

Having family close by has given us a walking goal as well - the first week we were walking outside and you got it in your head to walk to Mimi and Papa's house (at the other end of the block). We made it across the cul-de-sac and past one more driveway before you gave up - but have asked a couple of times since then to walk there again! You've also really enjoyed taking your walker to Bible class and walking around the church building.

Slowly but surely making it to Mimi and Papa's house!
Took about 20 minutes, but she was determined!

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