Monday, December 26, 2016

Quarterly Update?? - Dec 26

I knew it had been awhile since I had posted, but I didn't realize that it had been THAT long! I kept telling myself that I would wait until the next appointment or the next big thing happened so that there would be something worth posting about...three months later: NOTHING!

But I guess that in itself is worth writing about. This fall we have been coasting. No major developments. No huge changes. No massive updates. Just living life and watching you grow. And it's been great!

So here's how we'll get caught up: this post will contain all the big things to get caught up for September, October, and November. I'll post something about your 3rd birthday party tomorrow and next week work on the Christmas post. After next week, I'll have something big to post about: You start school on Tuesday! You are pretty excited about "meeting new friends and learning As Bs Cs and mumbers" but you're also still pretty clingy when it comes time for me to leave you at Bible class so we'll see how those first few mornings go.

September: We went to a football game at Daddy's old school and you enjoyed it much more than last year. The boys kept "wunnin and wunnin and fall down". Now any time that we go past any football field we get to relive that game. "Mama and Daddy and Lainey and Lexi and Lila and Kate and Jess and yell 'Go Devyn!' at the football games!"

September also had a few more first:

You started using the big girl swings!
Got to go in the big pool for the first time!
First set of full pigtails! We tried ponytails a couple of times too, but they didn't last long!

October big moments: You went to your first wedding! You had a great time going to the hotel with Mama and Little Big; you got to sleep in the big bed with us; AND swimming in the big pool again.

Other big moments: we got a dog! You still aren't sure what to think about Patches getting to close to you, but love to play with him through the back door.

You discovered how to get into the cabinets but have surprisingly only pulled out this one bowl...

You were determined to walk around and get candy with the boys and Little Big this year, and walked quite a bit before you let us carry you...mostly because the boys were getting impatient and leaving you behind!

Most important moment of October, you got to meet my Great-Grandmother! We met up with Nanny, Grandpa, Gigi, Pops and Doe one day for lunch. Now anytime I mention Gigi and Pops, you ask about Doe too ♡

November was another semi-uneventful month for you. We started going to story time at the Library, which you absolutely loved!

We had a great time at Thanksgiving; got to spend a couple of days at the Ranch and got to see Grandmother!

We had an appointment with Shriners and they said everything was looking good! They want us to continue with what we're doing - more time in the HKFOs and walker, start taking the wheel locks off the front so you can learn how to control it better, more time standing and trying to walk without the HKFOs to build up your leg strength.

It was an overall (medically) boring three months! We haven't had any problems since your trach closure, you've continued getting stronger and we're just moving along! I've been collecting some videos of you singing so I'll add a couple on to each post :)

This is one of your favorite Bible class songs: What Time is It?
(What time is it? What time is it? Is it time to <brush your hair, take a nap, eat lunch, play with toys>? Oh no, no, no. Oh no, no, no. It's not time to <insert phrase>. What time is it? What time is it? Is it time for Bible class? Oh yes, yes, yes. Oh yes, yes, yes. It is time for Bible class!) Except in your version, it's time for bed!

And the B-I-B-L-E song:

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