Friday, February 17, 2017

January 2017

So I really did intend to get caught up on everything in January - it just didn't happen. So instead, I'm adding it to my "beginning of the month" list to at least post monthly.

So January big events:

Starting school!! We had a rough first week of whining every day and crying, but starting week two you have LOVED going! I get a full report of who was there and who was absent, what songs you sang in music, what games you played in PE (even what color the ball you played with was). You have "learned my ABCs again" about five times now. You even helped the teacher teach all of the numbers to the rest of the class.

You got new AFOs (boots) and HKFOs (full leg braces) and it has made a HUGE difference in you wanting to walk. The old ones had gotten small enough that they were hurting your feet too badly to spend more than 20-30 minutes in them. NOW - you are getting to the point that you are walking without the boots on at all! Our next goal will be work on your endurance (right now you can barely make it across the living room) and building up your leg muscles.

Probably the biggest moment of January though, was getting your power chair! We finally got the call that it was ready for a final fitting; we spent about an hour one day getting it all set up and ready to go! You have done really well learning how to use it and drive straight. We got a ramp installed at our front door, a lift for the back of the car and are ready to go! When we first started the approval process for the power chair, you had not started walking yet and we were planning on this being your method of movement at school; now however, everyone agrees - YOU DON'T NEED IT! At least not at school - you are doing so well walking and we definitely want that to continue! But we now have the chair for longer excursions (like if we wanted to go to the zoo or were going out of town and would be doing a lot of walking) and are very thankful we have that option to fall back on so that you can maintain your independence.

Other fun moments this month:

"Mama I eated my sagetti...I washa hands now!!"
Everything has become a seat...
Mimi found a toy that (almost) all of the Ls got into - Lincoln Logs!!
And here are a few more songs that you've been singing lately:

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