Monday, April 28, 2014

MRI Results - April 28

SURPRISE! The MRI didn't tell us anything useful. Well, not related to the sleep study anyway. Sigh.

What it did show was:
1) her brain stem is clean and clear from top to bottom;
2) her brain matter is equal and functioning fine on both sides;
3) there is a large subdural hygroma (fluid build up) on the left frontal cortex (approximately the front half of the brain) but it isn't causing any pressure or causing any other problems. It adds one more outpatient visit with a neurologist to keep an eye on it as she grows - but it doesn't give us any information.

We had a fun morning getting ready for the MRI - it included two trach changes (I took one out and put the other in). We also switched the type of trach we put back in - before she had what's called a "flextend" trach that added about 2-2.5" outside so that her chin wasn't rubbing against the trach. The ENT thinks that extra weight might have contributed to the issues on Friday by causing it to hang down more on the outside and causing the inside piece to not sit properly. So the trach we put back in is a "standard" trach so we can see if that makes a difference. I will post pictures of the two trachs tomorrow see you can see the difference.

They gave her one dose of a sedative before they took her to the MRI so that she would be calm and still - it didn't phase her at all. They gave her another dose when they got down there....nothing. She did lay nice and (mostly) still though so there were no issues with the images.


  1. Oh that Lexi Girl! Thankful for what could be perceived as positive results from MRI ... praying the new trach tube will suit her needs ... praying for Mama to find some relief & comfort & finality SOON so she can bring her Baby Girl home ♡
