Monday, May 12, 2014

Check, Check and Check! May 12

Started the morning off with the family conference and got everything on the list reviewed, confirmed and checked off - we are good to go! There were a couple of last minute things (Daddy had to do one more trach change, they wanted ENT to come look one more time) but everything is ready!

The home health company providing all of our equipment came by and did a (very) modified version of their home training (i.e.: this is the same feeding pump you had last time, do you remember how it works? Great. This is the same oxygen concentrator you had....) We spent a little more time on the vent and then we loaded most of it up for Daddy to take home. I've got to get one more small table for your room but then I'll be able to make sure everything is all set for Wednesday! Our home nurses were all trained last Friday - one night shift, one day shift and one backup. To everyone's surprise - our insurance is actually going to pay for 24/7 nursing through August so we don't have to worry about it until then!

It looks like you'll be going home by ambulance Wednesday - this allows for two things: 1) to make sure you have the attention you need for the trip and 2) the trach training nurse can come in the ambulance with you and help get everything settled at the house. Yay! 

You had such a busy day (with only one very short nap) and so much excitement in your room that by the time it all calmed down you still did NOT want to go to sleep... You fought it so hard!

You did that for almost 30 minutes before you finally crashed! Right now, Daddy is on his way home, sisters are with Mimi and Mama is going to get a nap too. I'll be here allllll night with you and am so excited that everything is going so well. Two more days and we'll all be home together!


  1. Oh the excitement of it all ... no wonder she doesn't want to go to sleep! Have a blessed evening my darlings ♡

  2. Yay! Congrats on all the checks! Such wonderful news and so many blessings! Still praying for a smooth transition. Love y'all!

  3. So thankful everything is going smoothly for y'all and that Lexi will be HOME soon! Prayers for you, Caleb, Lexi and the girls during this time of transition! Love y'all! (((Hugs)))
