Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Trip #2 - May 7

We took another trip today - this time in our loaner stroller! It's AMAZING! The company rep was there to get more measurements and tweak the seating and take notes for our set-up. This model of stroller is a little different than the one we'll get but it's still awesome. 

She loved being out of bed (again) and sitting up so straight; refused to smile (again) until the nurse put the phone down; and still wasn't quite sure what to think of the fish.

I have three more things on my trach training checklist to learn tomorrow...and Daddy's going to have a fun Sunday =/ We're still on track for our family conference (with all the doctors, home health company, nursing agency and the nurses we'll have, specialists, etc) on Monday morning. The (tentative) plan is for me to stay Monday all night, all day Tuesday and then go home and get a good night's sleep before Wednesday.

Everything with the ventilator has stabilized but she's having trouble being on the trach collar without oxygen so they are trying to figure that out so we won't be tethered to the vent because it is a pain for mobility purposes.

The last bit of fun news is that we got moved into one of the private rooms! It's mostly because her corner is looking a little junky with all of her toys, the swing, the tumble form chair, the vent, the trach collar and now the stroller so they're giving us more room... But it also means we're on the right path to getting OUT!

Yeah, that's all us. From the swing on the left to the blue and red chair up top on the right.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the excitement! Thank you Lord for the amazing medical staff, the support staff, the specialists, the home health team, the wonderfully amazing case worker who is making all of this gel! Thank you for this precious child and her loving family who is working so hard to get her back home ♡ You are one blessed little Princess, Lexi JoAnn Moseley!
