Monday, May 19, 2014

The New "Normal" - May 19

We are slowly but surely working our way into a routine that allows for enough time to get everything taken care of!

Mondays will be our "fresh start" day - we change out equipment parts, tubing, sensors, filters, canisters, etc. Today was our first trach change at home and everyone survived! Got all of the supplies restocked for the week and made sure we were ready to go!

We've set aside some time for you to come downstairs and be with the family so every day when sisters and Daddy come home you are ready and waiting for some attention! You got some one on one (plus nurse) time with each of your sisters today so that was neat to see. Little Big actually (politely) kicked me out of your room because she "needed to talk to you about important stuff".

We didn't make it out for a walk today, but we'll make up for it by going on an outing tomorrow and Wednesday - we've got a pediatrician appointment tomorrow and an appointment at the High Risk Infant Clinic in San Antonio on Wednesday. Busy, busy week! 

Tonight they weren't able to schedule anyone to work (still working out the kinks in scheduling) so Mama is on her own! Sleep good and don't give me any trouble please :)

1 comment:

  1. Step by step, day by day, things will become 'old hat' ... the excitement of her 'coming home' will wear off. I have a sneaky suspicion Lexi will always find a way to make your days a complete mystery, a concoction of surprises, a state of limbo. She'll also be a source of sheer joy, delight, and abundant unconditional Love. Y'all are blessed, Moseleys, blessed indeed.
