Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happy 5 Months- May 20

How is it possible that I'm already writing 5 months?? HOW?

You have been such a joyful baby - you absolutely love everyone you meet. You love attention and smile pretty much every time a new face appears.

This month you have truly blossomed - you've started interacting more with your toys; Sophie is still your favorite but you have also taken a liking to the lion / blanket thing with all the ribbon tags around the edges because you can 1) chew on them and 2) grasp hold of it really easily. You've started kicking and waving your arms around like crazy when you get excited...I tried to video it tonight but the room was too dark - right after you fell asleep you must have been dreaming about running or swimming or something because your legs were still going 90 miles an hour! The pediatrician today even made a comment about how much more limber you are since the last time she saw you. You've also started trying to talk! Even just in the last couple of days it's gotten much more clear when you are trying to get something out using your voice. Of course, you also have a million and a half facial expressions that you are still making use of.

Although the tracheotomy has made our lives so much more complex, it was definitely the right decision for you. You have grown so much in the last month because your body isn't having to use all of those extra calories just trying to breath. At the doctor's office today you weighed in at 15 pounds 1 ounce! It is also very evident just in watching you that you are much more comfortable and relaxed, you don't struggle nearly as much just to keep up with little things like staying awake for more than an hour at a time :)

I love you so much and am so glad to finally have you home with the rest of our family. I can't wait to see you continue to progress and catch up as you get stronger each day.

Sleep well Baby Girl!

Annnnnd.....she's out!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Angel. So thankful God blessed this baby with educated, loving parents ... medical staff who love her dearly ... a support system of experts to help clear the path for her future ... a bright blessed future! ♡
