Sunday, May 4, 2014

Catching Up! May 4

All right folks - sorry for the radio silence! It's been a crazy busy weekend. Here's a brief re-cap:

Friday: I didn't go in because I was chaperoning Big Big's field trip - we had a blast but came home exhausted!! When I called in that morning, around 9, they said she was still asleep - she's been waking up between four and five, hanging out and enjoying the visitors during shift change, and then crashing again around 7:00 until 9:30 or so. Crazy girl! She did mention they got her bed turned back around facing out Thursday afternoon (don't remember if I mentioned it but they put her in a bigger crib and the nurse forgot and faces her toward the wall Wednesday night!) and she spent some time in the swing.

Saturday: we got a new neighbor so Baby Girl had plenty to pay attention to! When we got there, Daddy went for basic trach training so we got our girl time in. We spent some time in the rocking chair, had some swing fun and played with the toys. When Daddy got back he watched us change the trach out, clean the site and he got to suction during all that - he did great :) After lunch we did trach CPR training which just adds a few steps in and went over the basics of setting up the vent. We'll do much more on that next week!

Sunday: we didn't make it over today because it took us longer to get home from services than we planned and we wouldn't have gotten to stay long before needing to be back to get sisters so I spent the day cleaning and re-re-rearranging the nursery and trying to figure out what all still needs to be done in there. It took me quite a while to get used to having everything in our room, but now it just seems so empty... I'm not looking forward to Baby Girl being all the way upstairs, but it is what it is! I called around 7:00 and they said she had a great day - was very smiley and happy and took good naps.

Please continue praying that everything stays on track for the 14th! So far, so good!

1 comment:

  1. What a busy weekend! Such a blessed life for such a blessed family ... love you Moseley family ♡
