Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What a Day! May 6

Baby Girl you were WIDE awake and smiling when I got there this morning. I had two nurses stop me on my way to your bed to let me know they had already been to visit you and you were in the best mood! You took a lite bit of a nap between 9:00 and 10:00 which was good because the trach nurse had big plans for us today!

Yesterday, we reviewed the process for mobility (unplug that, unhook this, battery operated this, emergency bag that) and today: we took a walk! We went around the unit twice and you LOVED it! The PT went with us and she said that might be the best exercise for your neck because you were moving your head back and forth, up and down trying to see everything and everyone and not miss anything! 

We put your tumble form chair in the wagon so you were sitting up pretty good and could see - tomorrow we'll use the stroller (there was a delay in delivering it). The best part was watching you watch the fish - Dr. G let us go out in the lobby - you were absolutely entranced by the fish!

There are ao many people here who love you - it took us almost 20 minutes to walk around the unit twice because the first time around we had to stop at every other bed spot so the nurses could talk to you - and you just smiled and kicked and loved every bit of the attention!

After that adventure, we did a trach change that I got to direct - the trach nurse only did what I asked for assistance with and didn't say anything. I figured after all that you would be worn out and ready for a nap...and your eyes said you were... But when I got back from lunch you were still awake! You looked a little more rested so maybe you got a short nap in but definitely not as long as we thought you would sleep. I guess you were just too excited :)

They put you back on the trach collar this afternoon. Yesterday you were on it for 45 minutes with absolutely no issues! The trach nurse also wanted to try the speaking valve again since you did so well with it the first time. You're actually going through periods where you keep your mouth closed now, which is good, but it makes the vent go haywire because it's set to accommodate the leak from your mouth always being open. (The way this vent works is purely supportive - if the patient wants to breath it senses it and allows them a breath on their own, or gives them the pressure to make up the difference they can't provide for a full breath {if the breath is supposed to be a 10, but patient can only supply 6, it gives the other 4} so when your mouth is open, the extra pressure the vent is supposed to give to make up for the escaping air gets pushed back and makes the alarm go off like you're coughing or choking.)

It was a fun, exhausting day. Here's a fun video of you playing with Sophie before our morning adventure began!


  1. She is so cute. She is a chubby monkey now. What a precious personality she has.

  2. Sounds like a grand adventure! Lexi is so sociable and adorably lovable, it's a wonder she gets any sleep at all! Miss Nosey Rosey can't miss the action. And I agree, those are the craziest looking fish!
