Wednesday, May 14, 2014

HOME! May 14

Yay!!!! YOU ARE HOME!!!!

When I got to the hospital this morning the nurse had everything packed up and ready to go so I just had to sign final papers and watch a parade of people come by the room to say goodbye to you. You have such a fan club at the hospital but they all agree - don't come back! You knew something was different about the way we were all acting today and just kept smiling and kicking.

We had a special outfit for you today:

I had to add the hair bow in so there would be no confusion... All the pink and purple superman outfits didn't have capes so we had to get the "boy" outfit. Either way, you are such a super baby and you are my hero. You have been through more in your short life than most people have to go through in an entire lifetime and you just keep smiling and making friends and being happy!

The transport nurse said you fell asleep about 15 minutes into the ambulance ride and then woke up as soon as they started slowing down to make exits and turns. I'm glad you're still ok with being in the car! We got you all settled in and the trach nurse helped get everything situated and rearranged and figured out before they left.

Two of your home nurses were there today to get everything figured out from their end and start making notes and learning how awesome you are. One of them has already said about 26 times that you are just the cutest, happiest baby! Hopefully over the next couple of days things will settle down and we'll get our new "normal" figured out, just in time for sisters to get out of school and start it all over again!

I love you Superbaby! Dr G was sad to see you go but doesn't want to see you for more than 5 minute visits at a time now :)

1 comment:

  1. Lexi, you are definitely my Lil Hero...Nanny is so very proud of you, Sweet girl. You have brought Love and Faith and Joy into the lives of people you have NEVER EVEN MET before, as well as those who have been blessed to be with you in person. Keep smiling, Lexi Jo! We Love You Dearly <3
