Thursday, May 29, 2014

Flashbacks - May 28

Today was kind of a surreal day for me. When you came home in March, two weeks later we had an appointment at 12:30 with the pulminologist. You didn't get to come home with me that day. You were really sick and, from what I've gathered listening and talking to everyone who treated you that day, we were really close to losing you that day. Your lungs just couldn't keep up anymore and you were re-admitted to the NICU.

Yesterday marked two weeks that you have been home. And we had an appointment with the pulminologist. At 12:30. They even put us in the same exam room as last time. The entire time all I could think was: You're coming back home with me. Things are night and day from what they were that day. You are healthy. You are thriving. You are growing. You are chunky. Everyone at the office who saw you that day commented on what a different baby you are today.

We got to see a few familiar faces - the trach training nurse who was so patient in helping me and Daddy learn everything we needed to know has had your appointment marked on her calendar since we were released because she couldn't wait to see you again. And she was instructed to take a full report back to the NICU when she many of the nurses there wanted to know how you're doing. When we were in the room waiting I said "I hear Dr. M. Are you ready to see her?" and you started shaking your head no...your latest trick :) A couple of the Respiratory Therapists who have worked with you over the last two months were there also and you smiled and played and talked to them all.

The dietician checked in with us and said you had lost a little weight, but not enough to be concerned could be an difference in scale, you could have had on heavier clothes last week - that's how small of a difference it was - so they're going to keep you on milk only and keep an eye on things over the next few appointments we have at the clinic before anything gets changed again.

You didn't take a very long morning nap, didn't sleep long in the car, and were so tired by the time we got home that you actually cried. It kind of scared the nurse because you never get fussy like that and she said you were just laying in your rocker and just started crying, tears and everything, and just looked so sad! I came up and rocked you for a little bit and you crashed pretty quickly and got a two hour nap in before it was time for bath and bed. You've been sound asleep ever since then!

It was so good to see familiar faces today, but mostly it was so good to see that they were all in agreement with how amazingly well you're doing since you've been home. You still have such a fan club cheering for you and checking in on you - you've touched so many people in such a short amount of time!

Love you Baby Girl!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Lexi Jo & Lil Mama! Ever so thankful for Daddy & Mama Moseley who love & care for their daughters with all they have; for Big & Little who have welcomed their Baby Sister with Love; for God who has protected this family & this Baby Girl as they have gone done some pretty rough paths in order to be a healthy family unit. Praising God ♡
