Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday Fun - May 23

I didn't get around to posting yesterday because I was WAY more interested in getting to sleep in my bed instead of the chair in your room last night...but we did have an exciting day!

A really good friend of mine that I used to work with FINALLY got to come meet you! She has been waiting OH so patiently for the last five months; we've had to cancel our visits with her two or three times!

We're working our way through your 3 month outfits before you can't wear any of them...some of them are starting to get tight and some of them you haven't worn at all! Here's one that your great aunt got you:

And here's some video fun to cover the rest of Thursday and Friday:

We were doing some modified tummy time up on the hoppy since your legs don't straighten out, and you've got vent tubes and feeding tubes in the way and you started rocking forward on your knees like you were trying to take off!

The first time we did tummy time yesterday you did not like it at all - you did better the second time (which was the video above.) We also tried the speaking valve again when you were off of the vent for your "vent sprint" and you weren't too happy about that either. You did better today, but it's going to take awhile to get used to that. Anyway, yesterday you spent about 15 minutes telling us all about how unhappy you were!

So about a month ago you started trying to hold your mouth shut more, but yesterday you were actually sucking on your bottom lip and then you started doing this:

Today I finally found your second rattle so we strapped one to each arm and you were going to town with your left arm. I moved the other rattle to your foot after a bit because you had them going pretty good too, but then it started making a new noise and you weren't sure what to think about it. You kept watching your foot when you moved it trying to figure out why it sounded like that!

You are doing so well being home - you are growing and getting stronger every day. You love playing with your toys and talking to your sisters. We're getting in some more floor time to play and you really enjoy that change in scenery. We take you off the vent every day for your vent sprints to help build your lung strength and you are doing fantastic - I can't wait for the pulminologist to see our records next week! Keep up the good work and you won't need the vent at all much longer!


  1. Oh my goodness she is just flourishing! Going home was EXACTLY what she needed ... surrounded by Love & encouragement & family time. Love you Moseleys!

  2. So thankful that she is doing so well!! Her sweet smile melts my heart! What a sweet disposition she has after all she has gone/goes through! I'm sure it has something to do with the love, support and comfort she gets from her family. She is a blessed little girl who has blessed many lives. We love you, Lexi Jo...and daddy, momma, and big sisters, too!
