Thursday, May 8, 2014

Finally Got the Smile!

We took another trip today around the unit and went to watch the fish. When we got back to our room the PT suggested we let her keep sitting in the stroller to build up her tolerance and strength. So as people walked by she had a prime seat in her doorway and we FINALLY got a smile in the seat...even though it's obstructed by the tongue :)

It was an exciting day for Mama too - I did my first solo trach change! It was a little more nerve wracking than having help because you were really tired and wanted your hands to be in your mouth and since I wouldn't let you do that, you decided to try and help me instead. Then when I pulled out the first tube you heard a noise outside and turned your head making it a liiiiiittle difficult to get the new on in - but we survived!

Dr. G increased your feed to 100mL per hour during the daytime - you've lost a few grams over the last couples of days from all the excitement and exercise so she just wants to make sure you're getting all the calories you need for your new level of activity.

When I left you were still snoozing from your lunch time nap - one good thing about the room is that you aren't easily distracted from sleeping as before. The last two days you didn't take a nap after all the excitement because there was still too much excitement around you and people coming to talk to you about your trip.

I won't be there tomorrow - Big Big has an orthodontist appointment and then it's Family Picnic day at the school. 


  1. Oh Lexi Jo you lil stinker! Look at that smile! Nanny is so very proud of you! You've got your own room & a new ride! Look out NICU, Baby Girl is bout to bust outta there!

  2. Lexi, you are one lil' cutie pie! We are so thankful that you are doing so well and so excited that you'll soon be back at home with your momma, daddy, and big sisters! We are praying that your transition home goes well! We love you, sweet baby girl!!
