Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July - July 4

We've had quite a busy week! Monday was the swallow study (still yay!!!), Tuesday sisters had dentist appointments that you got to tag along for and then we all loaded up and went to your pulminologist appointment.

Dr. M said everything looked good, to continue taking you off of the support breaths when you are awake and that we could increase the high pressure alarm so that it doesn't go off every five minutes (when you smile, laugh, nod, breathe too hard...)

We spent the afternoon hanging out as a family before sisters are gone for a couple weeks - lots of smiling and laughing!

Wednesday was a little more calm, but Thursday was even more insane! We went to see the orthopedic specialist first thing that morning. He was so much more attentive than the first Ortho we saw - he took X-rays of your spine and hips and said everything looked good. He's not concerned about your hands, but wants to see us back in 6 months to keep an eye on your feet.

We went straight from there to the geneticist's office. They mostly just wanted updates on how you're progressing but they also found a couple of new journal articles for us. Unless we have any other questions, we won't be there again.

We got home and you refused to take a nap for the longest time - which was fine because Nanny and Grandpa and cousins J and J got to see you! J has been waiting to see you for quite a while now!

Today was another busy day - breakfast at home, headed to Cedar Park for lunch and to meet Uncle thoroughly enjoyed tasting the blueberry milkshake at Mighty Fine!

After that we went to plug in at Nanny and Grandpa's hotel, then met up with Uncle J and Aunt C, Uncle B and Aunt K for dinner and fireworks in Round Rock. You're a fan of Rudy's cream corn. After I pulled the spoon away you kept reaching toward me for it, so I put a little more of the sauce on the spoon and you went to town on that spoon!

You were thoroughly unimpressed by the fireworks...but that may be more because you were soooooo sleepy by that point. You took some pretty good naps today, but it was still about two and a half hours past your bedtime so not long after the show started you fell asleep in my arms, stayed asleep as we walked back to the car, barely woke up as I strapped you in and then slept all the way home.

Happy first July 4th Baby Girl!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this family so very much! Lexi Jo, you are a sweet blessing to us all, but Baby Girl, you are blessed indeed ♡
