Friday, July 11, 2014

Quiet Week - July 7-11

It's been a quiet week - no appointments to go to, just therapists coming to see us; I thought I should post quick update for everyone before tomorrow, which will get it's own post sometime next week!

This week we only had OT and ST because the physical therapist is out of town. You are continuing to do SO well with all of your therapies and the therapists are impressed each time they visit. OT and PT have both been working on sitting up, and you're making it about 10-15 seconds now before you lose your balance. You do better in the bathtub because it's got a little bump that helps support your knees so you have more balance, but even on the ground by yourself you are doing really well using your trunk muscles to keep yourself up!

You were sitting up really well in the bathtub the other night and then you found your feet! It was so cute watching you try to reach down there and get them. Every night since then, whenever we're in the bath and I sit you up to rinse off your back you go straight for your toes.

We've also gotten a couple of new (to us) toys / chairs to help you learn how to sit up. One is an exersaucer that has a lot of things to play with on it and you were SO overwhelmed when we first put you in it. You kept looking at the toys, then back at us like "What am I supposed to do with all this???" The exersaucer is great though because it will encourage you to put more weight on your feet, which will hopefully start extending and stretching your knee joint more.

The other chair we got is to help you sit up better when we're working on eating. The speech therapist says you're doing a great job already with lip closure and is going to start working on straw training you pretty soon! The newest thing in the world of ST is to skip sippy cups (which don't progress baby's oral motor development since it's the same motion as for a bottle) and to move toward straws instead because it's a different set of muscles that need to be developed and strengthened. We'll see how that goes! You continue to enjoy food time - especially if you get to help - and the other day started moving side to side in what we've started to call your happy dance. You've done it a few more times since then when you're sitting up and get really excited about something!

The only other news from this week is that I finally got a picture of your tooth! The one next to it is teasing us; somedays it looks like it's fixing to pop through and then nothing. You haven't fussed or complained about any of it thought!

Look closely - It's there :)

Oh yeah - and we started cloth diapering this week! I had wanted to do that from the beginning but it obviously wasn't an option in the hospital, but after buying diapers twice (we finally ran out of what we had from showers!) I decided we could use that money elsewhere and it was time to bite the bullet and jump in to cloth diapering. So far, we haven't had any major issues! A few minor leaks, but we're getting that figured out :)

That's really it this time. Tomorrow is the Cox Family Reunion (Nanny's family) so you get to meet more family and spend some time with Sisters for the weekend down at the lake!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lexi Girl you are an absolute mystery ... a miracle in the making. God's child from the beginning♡
