Friday, July 18, 2014

Exciting Stuff! - July 12-18

Got some more reunion pictures to share!

Getting ready to go swimming!
Toes was cold!
Not sure what to think...
Kicking my feet some...
Eh....not impressed
Let e try my hand...
Done. All of about 3 minutes later...

More shots with Papa and Granny:

"C'mon JoAnn - we can't take her with us..."

And a little more family time:

This is quite possibly my new favorite shot of tried so hard to get some good naps but it was HOT and LOUD!

In other news, YOU CAN ROLL OVER! Well, part of the way. You've been working with OT and PT on laying on your side and it didn't take you long to figure out how to get back onto your back. Then yesterday, you started going from back to side! Fortunately, Nanny was tying to video you talking to her when you rolled over onto your side so she got the first time on video...then you just started showing off going back and forth. We'll have to start working on the other side now :)

Lastly, your second tooth finally came through. I think this one is bothering you a little bit more because you've been more fussy than usual this week. You can kind of see it in this picture, but have to look closely. The first one is coming out really well! (I had to take the picture of you from this angle so you would actually move your tongue out of the way!

Today, we had to go get your 6 month shots...and I keep forgetting that you'll be 7 months old in two days! CRAZY! The Pedi said everything looked great and she was super impressed with how well you were doing!!! We have to go to the ENT this afternoon because the granuloma in your stoma is getting really irritated and keeps bleeding. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be bothering you any. 

Love you Baby Girl - keep growing and smiling!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lexi Jo you make Nanny's heart sing! I'm so that k full for your sweet Daddy & Mama ... they sacrifice daily to ensure you & your sisters have a safe loving home to flourish in. Love y'all dearly!
