Sunday, July 20, 2014

Seven Months!!! - July 20

How can it possibly have already been seven months?? You continue to be such a bright spot in our lives; laughing and smiling and having a great time no matter what!

This month you've learned a few new tricks - you can roll from your back to your left side (still working on the right side...); you can sit up by yourself - your record is 30 seconds; you have discovered your feet and love to bend over to look at them when you are sitting (usually why you fall over) AND have started bringing them up to reach for them whenever you are laying on your back!

You got to go "swimming" for the first time at the family weren't all that impressed by the cold water. You also go to meet a lot of family members: Uncle J and Aunt C; Nanny's parents, sisters and brother; some of my cousins and their kids; and some friends from the church!

You got some new toys that have really been helping you with your balance, and are definitely helping keep you entertained! You are a little more high maintenance with your toys now because you've figured out that when you drop them someone will pick them up for you and talk to you...that's a fun game that I was hoping we could put off for a little longer. Fortunately, all of your new toys have playthings firmly attached. Your reaching has greatly improved and the PT wants us to have you reach up or to the side for items you really want now instead of just out front so that you can continue getting more range in your arms.

You've started showing your excitement with more forceful kicking and have twice now managed to kick your piano off of the stand! When you get going, you really get going!

You were kicking pretty hard one day when I laid you down for a nap. Daddy went to check on you at one point and came down and asked why I had put you in the crib like had kicked so much when I went back downstairs that you managed to move yourself down off your head support and turned sideways! We're definitely going to have to be more watchful until you actually fall asleep from now on!

One of the biggest accomplishments this month is that you've pushed out two teeth! The second one finally came in enough that it doesn't seem to be bothering you as much as it did for a few days last week - you weren't too fussy or whiny, you just didn't want to engage in anything, especially with the speech therapist! 

Keep growing and smiling and being your happy self! We love you very much and can't wait to see what this month brings us!


  1. We love you Lexi! Happy 7 months!

  2. Happy 7 month Sweet Lexi! We are so proud of you & so very thankful for you!

  3. Happy 7 months, Lexi Jo! Love you!!
