Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Cox Family Reunion - July 12

So this is only a semi-post on the Cox Family reunion this last weekend. Uncle B & Aunt K got a new camera they've been playing with and took most of the pictures for us, but here are a few that I snapped and wanted to share!

You had a great time and were so happy, despite the heat and long day and lots of car time. Your naps were pretty much nonexistent but you did get a few quick snoozes in before someone would come by or the kids would get loud or you would get disturbed by people coming in and out of the area where we had you plugged in. You got to meet a LOT of people who have been following along and keeping up with and I am SO glad we were able to make the trip. So many people care about you that haven't even met you yet!

You and Little Big were pretty sleepy on the way there so you got a quick nap to make up for the early morning that I snapped a cute shot of - she wants your car seat to be softer so it's more comfortable for her to sleep on :)

Most important part of the day: you got to meet Papa and Granny, Nanny's parents. We pulled up about 10 minutes before they did; I don't think I've seen either of them move as fast as they did trying to get out of the car in years!

Lexi JoAnn, meet Linda JoAnn
"You're the only reason I'm here today"
They were absolutely thrilled to meet you, and by the end of the day you were grinning and smiling right back at them! I am so glad that they've gotten a chance to meet all of my girls and have wholeheartedly welcomed everyone into the family! They have been married for 54 years now and are such amazing grandparents (and great-grandparents!)

You also got to meet some of Nanny's cousins, both of her sisters and one brother, and a lot of Mama's cousins and their kids. You were so patient with everyone coming in and out and loved all of the attention you got from everyone! I'll post more pictures with family and your first time swimming when I get them from Uncle B (hint, hint :D)

We had a pretty long day on Saturday, got back late and barely made it up and out the door in time for services on Sunday morning (we weren't thinking about alarm clocks when we got home!) but I'm so glad we made it because you FINALLY got to meet Jackson!

That's all for now! More pictures to come soon :)

1 comment:

  1. My heart is overflowing ♡♡ Ever so thankful ... comments from 'where's that Angel from God' to 'where's that cutie that has taken over FB' to 'What a lovely family blessed with three cutie pies' ... Lexi you are loved by sooo many!!
