Monday, June 30, 2014

Swallow Study - June 30

Well we're back in the game first thing this morning! Today you had your swallow study and OT, tomorrow you see the pulminologist and PT (and both sisters have dentist appointments!), Wednesday is ST and OT, Thursday we get to meet the orthopedic specialist and start looking at a long term plan for your feet (hopefully!) and have out rescheduled geneticist appointment and then Friday we finally have a clear day!

You've started getting really excited when you get in your chair and absolutely refuse to lean back and relax - there's too much to see and you can't miss any of it!

The swallow study went REALLY well! They started you off with apple sauce, thinned it down to a honey consistency, then purée, then nectar and finally thin liquid. You did great with all of them except the thin liquid - more of that came back out of your mouth because you haven't mastered keeping your mouth closed. What you kept in, you had no problem swallowing though!

They suggested working with the speech therapist on lip closure and getting the spoon further into your mouth to help facilitate the swallow. Overall, you can safely swallow everything and we have the green light to start introducing good as long as you tolerate it!

As a bonus, when we were leaving the hospital, we ran into the trach training nurse! It was so good to see her again - and she plans in stopping in to see us at the pulminologist office tomorrow too!

Such a great day, and you rocked in another J.O. Original dress :)


  1. Awesome news! So glad the swallow study went so well. Praying that the rest of her appointments this week follow suit! Oh...and that dress is absolutely precious on you, beautiful Lexi! :)

  2. Way to go Lexi Jo! That's fantastic news! So thankful for your growth ... your strength, endurance, and stubbornness are certainly paying off! Nanny loves you, Sweet Girl ♡

  3. Wow! What a great day! What an amazing sweet girl. Prayers of thanksgiving and for continued progress. Love y'all!
