Sunday, June 29, 2014

Your First EYL Camp - June 21-27

I've always wondered if all the extra stuff people take on vacations with babies is really necessary. I know they come with special needs and items, and you want to keep them on as much of their normal routine as possible, but after loading down Nanny's car to head out to Kerrville, I completely understand. Believe me, I would have loved to leave half of it behind...

I pulled out tubs for us to pack in so they would stack nicely - one for me, one for Little Big and one for you (Daddy and Big Big were coming later in the week). Then we added one for your medical supplies. Then we had to fit in the oxygen tank, the ventilator stand, the suction machine, your pack n' play, the monkey rocker, and your chair. Plus all of the regular stuff that comes with you (portable suction, emergency bag, feeding pump, nebulizer, pulse ox...) Then I realized I had to take enough frozen milk to make it through the week so we had to add a cooler. Then I remembered your boppy and the piano toy (which the PT and OT agree is the best toy for you right now because it fully engages everything - your hands, feet, arms and mental abilities). Then we were ready to go.


We got there around 10:00 but our room wasn't ready until almost 2:00 so we just hung around the camp office and got some of that stuff set up. As people were coming in they got to meet you - most importantly, Mr. B and Mama M got to hold you finally!

You loved meeting all of your new friends:

And got to spend some quality time with Nanny and Cranpol:

Nanny did such a great job taking care of you and learning everything that goes into that! I am so thankful that she was willing to come spend a week (a lot of it alone in a dorm room with you!) to help take care of you so that I could focus on what needed to be done for camp. By the end of the week she had everything figured out and could even get you loaded up on the stroller with all of your gear!

You did so well with all of the noise and the racket. There were a couple of days that you got a little fussy because you were SO tired but refused to go to sleep, but for the most part you were awesome and would go to sleep wherever we were at the time. You got a lot of comments about how good natured and calm and happy you are. Such a sweet baby and smiled all week at everyone you met!

Little Big wanted some "real" EYL shirts this year (some that fit her - not those big ones <adult size S> like last year) so I made you some also - she was thrilled that y'all got to match every day! She was very helpful to both me and Nanny in taking care of you. She also helped pick out your hair bow everyday and got really good at putting those on.

Overall, we had a great week and I can't wait until next year! By that time, you will be all over the place :)


  1. Truly a blessed honor to be a part of your lives .. thank you♡

  2.'s ALL necessary! And the one time you think it's is ;) Glad y'all had a great week and that Lexi Jo is flourishing! You're one of the strongest women I know. Keep up the good work...y'all are doing awesomely! Love you!
