Thursday, June 19, 2014

You're 6 Months Old!!! - June 20

We've made it halfway through the year...somehow!

I am so proud of all the progress you've made and the growth that everyone has seen in the month since you've been home. Your doctors are continually amazed at how different your prognosis is compared to when you were born.

Physically, you are so big now - I know babies grow a lot the first few months, but you've really taken off since you've been home.

You're finally wearing 3-6 month clothes (the regular 3 month clothes are a littttttle too tight now!) and are in size 3 diapers. 

When we went to get your feet casts redone, the PT was amazed because she has to use two rolls of plaster on each foot - the first set we made, one roll did both feet!!! 

The first set of hand splints were done when you were 10 days old, and the feet were done at 6 weeks; just a little bit of a difference!

You increased from 38mL per hour feedings to 56mL per hour your first week; now you're at 100mL per hour.

You were 6lb 15oz at birth; 13lb 13oz when you came home; now you're 15lb 3oz.

You are so curious about everything - when we're walking around the room you watch every move that we're making, usually with a look that let's us know whether we're doing things right or not.

You still love new people and already have the home nurses wrapped around your finger. You particularly love getting snuggles and kisses from whoever will give them to you! 

You still love playing with your toys, and have started examining them more now before you just shove them in your mouth (that one tooth still hasn't popped out yet) and this last week you've started cuddling up with your blankets whenever it's time to go to sleep. You're favorite has been a soft brown one, but that one had to get washed so we just grabbed a thinner pink one (Mama's Baby blanket) to use one night and the next morning you didn't want to let go of it! You pulled it back out of the nurses hands whenever she started to uncover you :)

This month you've met a lot of new people - We took a road trip with us to see Daddy's Grandmother and Grandad, you got to meet some of the people Mama used to work with and tomorrow we're headed out to meet your EYL family!

You continue to amaze us all; keep up the good work Baby Girl!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, Daddy and Mama Moseley, for sharing your precious daughter with us. This grandmother has encountered a Love that I never knew existed ... Big and Little Sisters primed my heart for when Lexi JoAnn arrived. Can life get any better? ♡ Thankful for this beautiful blessing!
