Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Road Trip! June 16

The last few days have been relatively quiet (compared to the usual days we have around here!) It's hard to believe we've been on a summer schedule for two weeks now!

Friday the 13th was a semi-busy day - we had appointments with all three therapists and they were all three thrilled with your progress! Other than that, we had a relaxed, playful day.

Saturday (May 14) marked one full month of you being home with us!!! We went to Papa and Mimi's house for Father's Day breakfast and you enjoyed getting out and the new scenery. Your cousins still aren't sure what to think of all your machines but they seemed a little less apprehensive this time. The middle one has learned how to say your name and it was so cute to hear!

Sunday (May 15th) was the first time the entire family got to go to worship together! Little Big was pretty disappointed she had to go to her own Bible class instead of getting to come help you in your class. You are doing so much better in class now - you love the songs and interaction, and watching the wild child in there with us who likes to bang stuff on the table... You and Mr. LK will be great friends soon enough; his family means a lot to Mama and Daddy and I'm glad y'all are close to the same age :) We also got our family picture updated for the directory!

We went out to lunch afterwards for Father's Day and you were a trooper - you were so sleepy but still didn't want to miss out on anything! We didn't have a nurse for the afternoon because they are finding us a new weekend nurse so Daddy kept an eye on you...meaning y'all both had a good Sunday afternoon nap :)

We have learned that we definitely need a bigger car - if we all want to go somewhere we have to take Daddy's truck and that doesn't do so well with all of your extras. Especially if it's raining since your chair has to go in the back.

Today we took a road trip to meet Daddy's grandparents and drop off the bigs for a few days. They love getting to spend their special time with Grandmother and Granddad and I'm so glad that they finally got to meet you! I didn't get to meet Granddad until after his health problems had set in, and I'm not sure he knows who exactly I am because he's only seen me a few times, but he knew who your sisters were! You did so good considering how long of a day we had. You took a decent nap on the way there and slept most of the way back, and then crashed about five minutes after you took a bath and were put in bed. Here are a few shots of the day:

Meeting Grandmother

With Grandmother, Granddad and Sisters

Soooooo sleepy from the trip!

This week should be relatively calm - the Bigs are gone until Thursday and we only have therapy appointments so no trips to San Antonio this week. But the most exciting thing of all: our new night nurse starts Tuesday!!! They finally found someone and she came to get oriented last Tuesday and Wednesday. This is one excited Mama!!!! Hopefully this will be my last 3:00 am post for quite a while :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this sweet family so very much! Thankful for the blessings.
