Saturday, June 28, 2014

Quick catch up - June 28

Whew! What a week we've had! I'll do a more thorough update tomorrow (I hope) but for now it will suffice to say that you now have a huge new family of EYL Camp members. The staff, volunteers and participants that got to meet you all fell in love and we're full of comments about how amazingly calm and patient you were! More about all that later, but for now - welcome to the EYL family (officially)!

We got home around 7:00 last night. Just in time to quickly get unpacked, get your room set up and get your bath taken care of before the night shift nurse got here. Then we were all getting ready to crash when he came downstairs and let us know your g-tube had come out. Nanny had said it felt a little loose that morning, but it came all the way out! I tested the little bubble that's supposed to keep it in place and it had a home in it. Not sure how, but it happens (very rarely). So last night, on about 4 hours of sleep from the night before, completely exhausted, I got to pm replace your g-tube for the first time. I had been shown and practiced before on the training doll, but that's not something you get to practice like the trach change because it's a much more sensitive track into your stomach. But we survived!

We were all still pretty lazy today but you were happy as can be, back in your room and HOME! On another exciting note: your tooth is FINALLY starting to break through! You were chewing on your burp tag today and when the nurse was tugging at it to play with you she said she felt it snag so she looked, and sure enough- it's just barely starting to poke through! Hopefully it won't take the long for all of them to push through.

Love you Baby Girl! It's sleep time for Mama now - 10 loads of laundry (and the thought of 3 more tomorrow) is enough to wear anyone out!


Side note: here is a picture of the g-tube:

The balloon is actually inside you and is inflated by inserting 3-5 mL of water into the port. That's what holds the g-tube in place.

1 comment:

  1. My heart is overflowing ... thank you so myuch, Moseley family, for sharing your beautiful world. It was such a treat to witness our EYL family wrap their arms of Love and Acceptance around the amazing Moseley girlies. Thankful for that safe haven for ALL campers!
