Saturday, June 24, 2023

Post Op Day #3

Waited to write this earlier hoping we would have great news to share, but instead we’re hoping for “maybe tomorrow” 😕 And then I just forgot to post it.

There is some good news though: she slept from about 9:30ish until almost 3:30ish with no interruptions! Then she woke up and all of the junk that had settled in her lungs decided it needed to finally start coming out. Good thing is that it’s all out now; bad thing is that it made her heart rate and respiratory rate crazy high and not really coming back down so they aren’t comfortable letting us go yet. Her blood pressure has balanced out though so that’s one box to check off! 

We got out of bed three different times today, each time for a little longer. Helps me practice transferring and her with movement. First time was a cleanup after this morning, second time we tackled the 4 day bed head, and last time we got in a dew rounds of Uno!

Everything has been steady and stable since about noon so prayers for an uneventful night and no more curve balls so we can head out tomorrow!

Thank you so much to everyone who sent cards with us or have mailed them to us. She has had a few get delivered each day and loves getting to see them all! If you'd like the address, please let me know and I'll send it to you!

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