Monday, June 26, 2023

Medical Monday - June 26

 Whew - I feel like we've been here forever, but really we've only been here for 10 days! Quantum House has been absolutely perfect and I am so thankful that we were able to get in here. I could literally see the facility from our hospital room. Being this close to the hospital made it so easy to pop back and forth as I needed, grab supplies, swap out clothes, get cleaned up, etc. which made a world of difference! When they let us know we would for sure be getting discharged yesterday, I was able to go ahead and bring all of our stuff and equipment back to the House so that it was set up and ready once we got back!

We got back to the House around 1:00 yesterday; I know my "we're out of here!" posts said there would be a more detailed update later but we were both so exhausted it just never happened! Lexi went to sleep about an hour after we got back and settled in and slept pretty much until 5:30/6:00. She woke up and opened her new round of cards. We aren't allowed to hang things on the wall but we figured out a creative way to display them so she can be reminded daily of all the people praying for her and sending her well wishes! We're going to have to figure out a rotation system though because we're already out of space 😂

Anyway, we both had a decent sleep in real beds, with real blankets and real pillows. She was a little down this morning about whether she made the right decision to have this surgery because everything is really hard now; she can't sit up by herself, she can't get in and out of bed, etc. All the little things that would be hard for anyone to have stripped away from them. We would appreciate some extra prayers for her mental strength during the recovery time.

We had a follow up with Dr. A - the neurologist - this morning and he said everything on her spine looked great! She has a 1.5 inch incision in the small of her back that is healing beautifully, she's not having any issues with numbness or tingling sensations so he has no concerns. Tomorrow and Wednesday we start physical therapy which will mostly focus on her hip. As you'll remember from the awesome video I made about her surgery, they shortened her femur bone to accommodate the length difference between her leg and the tendons, but that's not an option with the hip bone so he said that will always feel a little tight for her and will require daily stretching to keep it loose and straight. Gravity will help tremendously once she is able to bear weight in her legs, but until then we have to make her stretch it out. 😩 He said it was similar to someone with perpetually tight hamstrings; before any exercise when they stretch, it's going to be sore and hurt until the muscle loosens up and relaxes.

We'll round out the week with Pre-Op for surgery #2 on Thursday and then move into the holiday weekend with out marching orders for while all of the offices are closed. It's hard to believe it's already time for the left leg but it'll be next Wednesday before we know it! I'm hoping that our inpatient stay will not be as long now that we all have a better idea of what to expect, but who knows!

1 comment:

  1. You and your Girlie are absolutely amazing! You work together as a team and that makes a huge difference in the healing body, mind, and soul. She draws her strength from you, Little Mama. God Bless you you both on this journey. Love you both so much.
