Friday, June 23, 2023

Post Op Day #2 - June 23, 2023

She has done SO well today! Now that her pain level is down, the oxycontin is helping keep things much more manageable. They have started stepping back the morphine since we can’t go home with it and so far it has been tolerable.

She has been out of bed twice; longer each time. They unwrapped her leg to let it breathe and to ice it. She has had quite a bit of swelling in her foot so we are having a hard time balancing the need to keep her foot elevated, but her hip joint straight, without laying her down flat which won’t work for her lungs. SO…

We will be spending one more night here to hopefully get the swelling issue taken care of, as well as letting her heart rate and blood pressure balance out because they keep going in opposite directions which is causing her some temperature and lightheadedness issues. If those two things don't move into a more acceptable range, we will stay until Sunday.

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