Monday, June 19, 2023

Medical Monday - June 19

 Last week's post was short and simple: here we go!

This week, we have some catching up to do!

We took our time getting from Texas to Florida - 5 days of driving, swimming, playing in the sand and a few other things along the way, like feeding giraffes and visiting the Kennedy Space Center! I highly recommend the Jacksonville Zoo if you're ever in that area. We were there for almost 5 hours and barely got to see everything! 

We got to our final stopping place Friday evening around 6:00, unloaded the car and crashed! Most of Saturday was spent unpacking, settling in, making the rounds between Target, WalMart and the grocery store to get everything we needed/forgot and just trying to figure out what is what at Quantum House. Things have been amazing so far and I am so thankful that we were able to get a spot for our stay here! After a shy first couple of days, Lexi has found herself a group to hang out with and they were all bouncing between the rooms this afternoon! They have a craft/activity of some sort almost everyday, and therapy dogs come visit several times a week. Today, the fire department came by and showed the kids the engine. 

We had her Pre-Op appointment for surgery #1 this morning; everything went well, just standard medical history review, met the anesthesiologist, talked to the surgical team one more time, etc. They are going to end up doing a small release of her hip muscles after looking at the MRIs just to make sure that her legs have all the room they need for stretching down. They will call tomorrow once the surgical schedule is finalized to let us know what time we are up!

About an hour after her appointment, the office called back and said the spine specialist wants us to come back in tomorrow for a consult after reviewing her MRIs. Not sure what he saw, but would appreciate some extra thoughts/prayers/well wishes tomorrow morning for that appointment.

I'll post an update tomorrow once we find out the surgery time and will keep you all updated on Wednesday!

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