Monday, July 31, 2023

Medical Monday - July 31

 Well, this week we have a LOT more to update on! 

Lots of PT last week, each day a little better than the last.

Thursday, she was cleared to stand AND clear to start working on walking AND cleared to start making plans to go home! As long as nothing major happens before our appointment this Thursday, we'll be headed out first thing Saturday morning!!! The incision from her first surgery hasn't fully closed yet so we are still keeping an eye on that but it had made a lot of progress and Dr. F was happy with where it was at. 

So of course, at Friday's appointment we got busy with standing! She was a little nervous at first but absolutely rocked it...and then wanted to practice standing on Saturday and Sunday also 🥳

Today, things just kept getting better and better: SHE TOOK STEPS!

Here's looking forward to 4 more days of hard work and then HOME! This Thursday we'll do some final imaging to make sure everything looks ok, her legs are even and there are no other concerns. I'm sure we'll have some follow up appointments to come back for but we're looking forward to getting back home for awhile.

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