Monday, July 17, 2023

Medical Monday - July 17

 Last week was basically a long week full of PT; and in between official sessions we get to do the same stretches at the house so that's she's getting a full stretch twice a day. While it is not fun to see her in pain from the muscle tightness and new sensations, there is already a definite change in her leg movement and how quickly they adjust during each stretch.

On Thursday the surgeon's office called and wanted us to stop by after PT so he could check on a spot from Leg 1 that wasn't healing as well as he would have liked when he checked it during the second surgery. It still isn't completely closed but it had improved enough that he took the surgical dressings off and we get to change that bandage out twice a day also. Again, not her favorite thing in the world. He also decided that after the issues she had both rounds in the hospital with her lungs and heart rate doing crazy things that he didn't want to risk any complications by putting her under to remove the stitches in Leg 2 like he originally planned so we will be doing that in his office on Thursday at the post-op appointment instead of on Wednesday. They will also do x-rays at that appointment that will give them an idea of how well the bone is healing which will give us an idea of how much longer until she can start weight bearing and working on walking (aka: how much longer we'll be here!). We would appreciate your thoughts and prayers for a good report on Thursday!

In more exciting news, she got her new braces today!!! For comparison, here are her old braces and the angle of her legs:

December 2022

And here are her new, rainbow colored (of course) leopard print STRAIGHT braces:
Getting fitted

All the pretty colors

Trying to look happy about them being on ๐Ÿ˜‚

It amazes me every single time that I look at her legs how much of a change there is!

I also wanted to say a huge thank you again to everyone who has sent cards or notes or letters or anything - we have gone through 128 mini-clothespins and ordered more so that we can continue our wall decorations. Since we aren't allowed to use thumbtacks or tape on the wall, I've had to get creative. We are just about out of room but will figure out how to get more up there if we need to! She loves getting mail and there have only been a handful of days since we got here that she hasn't gotten at least one something in the mail so thank you all for keeping her spirits up! ๐Ÿ’™

I will probably post an update after the appointment on Thursday, but if I forget this will have to hold you over until next week!

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