Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Medical Monday - July 24

Not much to update on this week since we didn't do much after Thursday, but since I didn't post the update here after our appointment:

We had some good news and some disappointing news. Her second leg is healing beautifully! She handled the bandage and stitches removal like a champ...and there were a lot of stitches! She wouldn't let me count them after I showed her the picture 😂

But - her first leg still isn't healing as much as they'd like so he isn't ready to even consider clearing her for weight bearing yet. They've adjusted the wound care protocol and will re-evaluate next week and then we'll make a plan from there. So another Thursday appointment to look forward to and hopefully get some answers from to make a moving forward / coming home plan.

She has been working on increasing the length of time she is in her new braces each day so I made a deal with her on Saturday that we would go to Chuck E Cheese and stay as long as she kept her boots on. I underestimated her dedication to that mouse; it was a costly deal for mom but one I would do over again in a heart beat for 3 hours in her braces!

Other than that, nothing else to report on - see you next week 💙

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