Saturday, March 7, 2015

Slowly Climbing Upward... March 7

As we continue on the never ending quest to find out what's going on with you...

We made it through last weekend. You actually had really good days on Friday and Saturday. Hardly any coughing, no fever, no fussiness. Then Sunday morning you woke up clearly not feeling well again. We spent the day resting and relaxing and sleeping, which you were asking for a lot. Even in the doctors office...

Monday and Tuesday you ran a low grade fever on and off. It was kind of weird because on Tuesday you only had a fever on your right side. You woke up from your nap really flush on that side so we thought it was just the way you had been laying, but it didn't go away. Your right arm and leg felt warm, the right side of your face. Most of that afternoon when the nurse took your temp, the right side would be slightly higher than the left (100.0 vs 100.4) So we went in for your follow up on Wednesday and guess what, you have an infection in your right ear. Sigh. Back on antibiotics. I'm thinking that's why on Sunday you all of a sudden made a turn back to being sick, that's when the infection kicked in. At least that's what I'm hoping and not that they missed it every time they looked in your ears.

Your final molar FINALLY broke through on Tuesday also so you've been wanting to eat again! You absolutely refused to let the speech therapist anywhere near your mouth on Monday morning so we worked on your signing instead. Although you weren't in most cooperative mood for that either... in fact, you were all over the place as far as moods go.

Your typical, under the eyebrow look whenever you don't want to do something
(I imagine you saying "really?? you want me to do what???) 
Your new look for the week. It's actually pretty mean looking when you get it straight on.
This was when she said you had to eat at least one bite of something.
("Go ahead. Try and make me") 
And this is your new cheesy, happy face.
The result of her handing you a teething cookie.
All three of those photos were taken in about a 12 second span of time. That's been your mood lately. You are way too young to already be having teenager mood swings...

The last few days we can tell you definitely feel better. You are more playful, not wanting to sleep all day, just all around happier - if only we could get rid of the cough. The last appointment they finally said that it was probably more of a result of all of the weather we've been having and maybe once it clears up the cough will too. That's as close as I've gotten anyone to saying you have allergies.

They want you to continue on the steroid until your 15 month (!!!!!) appointment at the end of the month, and we'll follow up about the ear infection then as well instead of making us come back in after 10 days since that week is jammed packed for us. Sisters have spring break next week so we're looking forward to some fun time with them; then we leave Sunday for your appointment in Houston on Monday and will come back from that Tuesday; Thursday you have an ENT appointment; Friday, you and I will leave again for the EYL camp planning retreat. WHEW!

On a sweeter note, the past two days you've been really clinging to this bear that my grandmother made you for Christmas. Nanny pulled it out of the basket for you to play with a couple weeks ago and it's been in your crib ever since then. I gave it to you two nights ago to keep your hands occupied while I got everything hooked up for you to go to sleep and you haven't wanted to let go of it since - you even pulled it away from Big Big when she tried to touch it yesterday.

You've never really slept with a toy all night before, they usually got pushed over to the side, but at about 1:00 this morning when I got up to check on you I saw this:

Blanket and teddy bear - a firm grip on both of them :)
Keep getting better Baby Girl!


  1. Always expressive! So thankful she's been able to fight the allergies on her own & not be re-admitted. Stay strong and keep communicating, Darlin' make Nanny's day ♡

  2. Can't wait for the next photo shoot with all her new expressions!
