Saturday, March 21, 2015

15 Months - March 21

So technically this is what should have been posted yesterday, but there were more pressing things to write about :)

This month you've gotten really brave with trying new foods. You still love apple sauce, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and peas. You've also taken a liking to carrots mixed with broccoli (but neither of them on your own), teething cookies (as long as you have one in each hand), and FRENCH FRIES. You're not a fan of scrambled eggs, tortillas, baby rice cakes or yogurt bites. Other feeding news: you learned how to drink through a straw!

You are still pretty consistent with your signing, although we're having to work on please and thank you more. We have also added cookie and cracker but you haven't signed either of those yet. We've also been working on adding mouth and nose to your body parts list but you usually just smile and ignore us when we ask where they are. You've also got a few two-word phrases that you use a lot - "more eat", "please bath", "please open" are the ones we see most.

You are starting to be more particular about what you want - when you point to your toy shelf we can't just hand you whatever is closest; you have something particular in mind and will keep pointing until we get the right thing. Same with your books; you've started "reading" on your own more but we have to get the right book first! As you can see in the video above, you get really excited when we guess the right thing :)

You are still really easy going and don't cause much trouble, but you have learned how to take your boots off, can get your socks off your feet and are pretty sneaky about playing with your gtube and trach tubing. You've figured out that if you pinch the cord with your vent sensors that it makes the machine beep. You think it's much more fun than everyone else does.

You continue to progress quicker than anyone expects, but you've also got your stubborn streak. You've made it perfectly clear that you're not going to do anymore of that crawling stuff so your PT has started working in scootching on your bottom. The biggest concern there is that when you fall over you will probanly not have the arm strength to catch yourself completely, and that will carry over to walking too, so she warned us to be prepared for lots of head bumps.

We have a few appointments coming up next week (15 month check up, ENT, and pulminologist) so hopefully we'll have more exciting news to share! 

1 comment:

  1. Love how excited she gets! Thankful she has such attentive nursing & therapy staff. Even more thankful for her loving Mama & Daddy. Lexi JoAnn is a blessed little girl.
