Saturday, March 14, 2015

Scheduling Appointments is WAY Overrated - March 13

So this month we've had four appointments cancelled that we've had to reschedule (one of those being the same appointment twice). And yesterday we showed up to an appointment in San Antonio to get one of your shots...and found out it was never ordered so we get to go back Tuesday. Then I got home and checked the mail and found out they changed your appointment at Shriner. To four days earlier.

I completely understand that this is a great opportunity, that we were lucky to get an appointment as quickly as we did, and that these test results will determine A LOT moving forward; but it's really aggravating that they can just change the appointment, ten days out, with no discussion and that instead of calling and working out a good date, they sent a letter saying "here's your new date". As if all that it entails is us showing up four days sooner. As if there aren't two other children in our family to consider. As if time off work hadn't already been asked for. As if our hotel would just let us change dates (hello spring break - what? No rooms available those days? Awesome.)

SO - Daddy and I did some planning yesterday and think we got it all worked out! Found another hotel with rooms available (and an indoor pool for sisters). The Houston Zoo is only about two miles away from the hospital so while we're sitting for an endless barrage of tests, Daddy and Sisters will go hop on the metro and have some fun. We'll do a fun dinner one night and end Sisters' spring break with a surprise trip. Unless it changes again in the next SIX DAYS!

Whew - in other news, this week you have continued to discover that new side of your personality... The one that looks like this:

Some mornings you wake up giving that look, others you wake up giving kisses. We also confirmed your love for french fries at the 4H Fair last weekend - one in each hand is a requirement, not a request...

And, of course, bathtime is still the most exciting time of day:

1 comment:

  1. So thankful your little family gets to have a mini vacay! Daddy Moseley & Sisters will get an adventure in the big city of Houston, while Mama & Lexi Girl get an adventure in testing labs. Yay for indoor pools and bath tubs ♡ prayers for your safe travels & God's perfect timing ♡
