Thursday, November 20, 2014

Happy 11 months! - November 20

I've been putting off writing this post all day, mostly because I know I've got four weeks worth of updates to catch up on, but also because writing means I have to acknowledge that you're 11 months old and I'm not ready for that.

So here goes - updates. The last one was October 24...I'll do my best:

Week of October 27 updates:
I missed this post because we were in Port Lavaca. Daddy's grandfather passed away so we were gone for his funeral. You did really well on the trip and we enjoyed getting to spend some time with family that we don't get to see very often. You got to meet a lot of people and enjoyed all of the attention! You also got some much needed cuddle time with Grandmother:

You did really well being off of your schedule and in and out of the car; lots of time off of the ventilator! Unfortunately, you also got a little bit sick while we were gone and the doctor said you were right on the edge of a double ear infection when we took you in after the trip. So back on antibiotics you went! You've also used up all of the frozen milk supply that I built up while you were in the hospital so we had to start you on a little bit of formula for part of your nighttime feeding. Between the medicine and the formula you had an upset tummy for a few days, but it settled out pretty quickly.

When we got home we played catch up for a few days with all of your therapists and at the end of the week we carved pumpkins with Big Big, Little Big, Aunt C, L1 and L2. They were a little hesitant to get their hands in the pumpkin mess, but you dove right in!

You loved the mess!

L1 getting brave with the seeds :)

Having fun!

The boys were a little unsure at first.
On Friday we went to the Fall Festival at the church building and you got to play some with your friend. You were pretty amazed to watch him crawl all over the place - almost as much as he was amazed with your shoes :)

Week of November 3 updates:
This week was pretty slow - you had an appointment to get the second part of your flu shot (which you handled like a champ as always) and your regular therapy sessions. You are spending more and more time off of the ventilator during the day - mostly you are off all day except when you are sleeping!

You "helped me" put away your laundry one day - I think you were more interested in pulling everything out of the basket than putting any of it away but it was still cute.

You are definitely a fan of peas - they've become one of your favorites this month!

Week of November 10 Updates: 
Again, pretty normal week - follow up with the doctor who gave you a clean bill of health for your ears, regular therapy sessions, lots of playing and lots of hard work! You've gotten really whiny whenever you want to do things your way and the therapist wants you to do it a different way. It's pretty funny to watch. 

Week of November 17 Updates: (finally!)
Last Saturday we didn't have a nurse so it was a "normal family" day as Little Big kept calling it. We hung out downstairs (off vent!) and you played a lot with Sisters. Took you back upstairs for your naps and then back down for family time. Grammie, Papa and Mimi came over for lunch so you got to spend some time with them and then we went out to eat for dinner "like a normal family" :)

You enjoyed the extra time with Sisters, we've been so busy lately that you don't get to see them as much during the week. Little Big had a friend spend the night on Friday and they played with you some which you loved! We had some lovely winter weather blow through so we cleaned out some of your clothes to make room for some long sleeves and I found a hat that we needed to try on - you weren't thrilled at first:

On Saturday, I went back upstairs to grab something and when I came down you had thrown all your toys on the floor and looked at me, then back down at the toys then back at me like "I can't reach those..." 

You pitched a HUGE fit on Tuesday because you didn't want to use both hands to reach for things - 

You get to stay in the family a little bit longer - you tried avocado yesterday and LOVED it. 

You've gotten really excited about standing and rarely want any help with it, even though you definitely need it. Today, PT worked on pulling up on the edge of the couch...I wasn't a fan. We made a deal that you aren't going to grow anymore so I don't have to worry about planning a birthday party next month. 

Here's the 11 month part of the update:

Foods you love - peas, sweet potatoes, butternut squash. You still like bananas and apple sauce but don't eat as much at a time anymore. Avocados are a new favorite.

Your favorite game is peek-a-boo. You've learned how to cover your own face now with anything that's in your hands (blanket, clothes, diaper, etc) but as of yesterday you also learned how to use your hands to hide your eyes. We're also working on high fives - you like clapping other people's hands together because it makes a noise (yours don't quite make the clapping noise) and last night you figured out that you can make the noise on my hand so it's about seven fives in a row whenever you give them :)

Medical updates: 
You're off the vent during the day, except for naps, and are doing awesome!
Your feeds are still the same and your still eating pretty well. 
Your feet are looking so much better with the braces and your hands are really starting to open up. 
You love showing off your thumbs and we're working on the rest of your fingers as well. 
You are spending a little more time on the speaking valve and tolerating it fairly well - if you get too loud sometimes you scare yourself with the noise, then you start crying and the extra pressure from crying makes it worse, but overall that's going well also.

That's all that I can think of for now - hopefully I won't get this behind again :)

1 comment:

  1. Well well well Lexi JoAnn! You have just grown like a weed! Praising the Lord for your strength & determination, for your Mama's endurance & knowledge, and for your amazing little family, who loves you dearly! So excited for the holidays so I can come get my hugs & some High Fives♡
