Friday, October 24, 2014

Exciting, New Things - October 24

We've had some exciting new things this week that I couldn't wait until Monday to share.

One that I forgot in my last update: You now have FOUR teeth! The top two finally pushed through, after giving you so much trouble for weeks!

Second, we have some awesome nurses and one of them brought you a new toy! You weren't at all thrilled about this thing at first...

But you started to like it after the first few minutes...

And by the end of the day, you had figured out how to turn yourself in circles, were starting to kick your feet to try to make it bounce, and figured out that you could see all the way down the stairs when people were walking up and down!

Other big news, we've had to move into the big bathtub! You LOVE bath time soooo much, but the amount of water that gets splashed onto the carpet is starting to exceed what's left in the bathtub. You weren't thrilled initially, the tub was a little too cold and the water scared you a little. But once you got settled in you were super excited about all of the splashing you could do.

You were super cute once you got ahold of your toys :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhahaha! That's fantastic news Lexi Jo! I'm so proud of you, girlie! You have such a fantabulous personality! Nanny loves you so much!
