Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Appointments and Updates - October 1

I know, I know - I missed Monday's post...and we had some really big news on Monday...but I'm getting to it now :)

We went to the pulminologist on Monday annnnnnnddd..... YOU GET TO START DOING SOME TIME OFF THE VENT!!!! Short amounts to start with. AND we have to use a trach collar BUT it's a small baby step in the right direction. I was a bit concerned at first because when you were on the trach collar in the hospital it was because you were still on oxygen, but now you're not. The RT explained that it will just be for humidification, and that she has to show me how to set it up and use it, but that if I feel like you can handle not having the humidity for the short amounts of time that you will be off the ventilator, well she can't control what I do :) So, for now, we are trading one machine and big long tube for another machine and big long tube, which means I have to do some rearranging in your room (again), but it will hopefully be a temporary measure until we can show them that you do fine without it. The trial periods will only be while you are awake. Eventually, we'll have to address your apnea issue (yay for another sleep study) so that we can move in that direction.

I told the doctor about your fun non-lazy day Friday story and she seemed REALLY surprised that you did so well without a trach or ventilation for more than four hours. I don't think she really believed me at first when I said you kept your oxygen levels up and weren't fussing until they tried to put the trach back in. She seemed to be waiting for the bad part of the story when something went horribly wrong...but it didn't. She said she'd be talking to the ENT about what they think the next step should be with your trach.

Here's what the trach collar looks like - it just sits on top of the trach and pumps humidified air, which means we'll be soaking through the bibs as we give it a sufficient trial run:
Yes, you've really grown that much since April!
In other, more exciting news: we had a super busy weekend - with no nurse! Our Thursday nurse called in sick, we knew we wouldn't have a nurse Friday or Saturday and then our Sunday nurse called in sick also (lots of bugs going around!) so we didn't have a day nurse at all from Thursday until Monday....and we survived! Thursday was a pretty lazy day; we tried to get caught up on everything because of the busy weekend. Friday we had an early morning dropping off sisters for the County Fair Parade, then we went and picked a spot to watch and you fell asleep. And stayed asleep. Through the sirens, bands, horns, yelling, snoozed.

And then you woke up and were not all amused by all the noise and people and excitement...

Later that afternoon we went and took family pictures with all five of us - FINALLY! We had gotten some of you and Sisters when you were five months old, and some of you, Daddy and me, but we still hadn't had the opportunity to get some of all of us together. I am SO excited to get some these printed to add to our photo wall. Right now you've only got one picture up there! Here's the teaser Aunt C put up until we get the disc with the rest of them:

(For those on Facebook you can see more of the pictures here - I'll post the others once we get the disc with final copies!)

Saturday was another busy day - we all went to help out at the 4H booth at the Fair, where you refused to take a nap! Then we hung out for a little bit with GiGi and Other Grandpa/ Blue Eyes/ Pops (Little Big keeps changing his name...), Nanny, Uncle B and Aunt K while Daddy and Sisters played around and rode the rides. Then we all went to dinner (and you still refused to take a nap) and then Uncle B and Aunt K came to the house for a little bit and you FINALLY crashed for the night!

You didn't want to miss anything but were SO tired!
In addition to the appointment on Monday, ST introduced a mesh feeder to you that morning to help you start strengthening your jaw muscles and learn how to chew up your food. You did awesome at getting the food out of it! (Same for this morning!) There was no hesitation at all - you knew there was food in there and you were going to get it out! You're doing so awesome with all of your feedings and she was so excited about how quickly you figured out the feeder!

That's all the updates for now, so I'll leave you with a cute video of you and Little Big playing in the kitchen while I was finishing up dinner:

1 comment:

  1. It is such an honor to witness your sweet family growing with you Lexi Jo! Your Daddy and Mama and sisters love you so very much. Keep the faith Moseley family! We love y'all dearly!
