Tuesday, December 9, 2014

THANKSgiving - December 9

Yes, Thanksgiving was two weeks ago, but (once again) I'm behind schedule!

We had a great first Thanksgiving with you! We went to visit Daddy's family and got to meet lots of people that have been praying for you for a long time. We didn't get to go see everyone last year because my doctor didn't want me that for away from home when we didn't know when you would be ready to join us. You spent the entire trip looking out of the window and talking to Little Big...but of course when I tried to video it you looked at me and stopped talking. Stinker. You had some fun playing with Aunt C and cousin L1.

On Saturday we had Thanksgiving dinner with Grandpa, Nanny, Uncle B and Aunt K. You got your first taste of whip cream and LOVED it :) We had a busy day and you enjoyed every bit of it. You showed off all of your new tricks, gave lots of fives and scooted your way across the floor to give Nanny and Grandpa a show!

We put up the Christmas tree and you have loved playing with a couple of the ornaments. You are pretty fascinated by the lights but are not a huge fan of how pokey the actual tree is.

We have a pulminology appointment tomorrow and weight check / feeding clinic Thursday so I'll post some more updates about how those go next week!

1 comment:

  1. Love every blessed single minute of time we share with this sweet family!
