Saturday, September 19, 2015

"Official" Test Results - Sept 19

So we went to our appointments on Thursday, got the "official" sleep study results, went to your weight check, and left with smiles on our faces :)

Here's a little side-by-side comparison of this sleep study with the last one in June...

There are links in the last post to what the big words mean :)
Needless to say, both the Pulminologist and the Sleep doctor were THRILLED with the difference. Who knows if it was the congestion, the sleep tech, the equipment, or what in June - but here we are. We officially downsized your trach back to a 3.5 on Friday, and the cap is back on! You haven't had any trouble so far (it's only been two days) and slept just fine last night so hopefully you can keep it up. The next sleep study is scheduled for October 14 to see how you are doing capped and off the vent - then we'll talk timeline for removal!

I mentioned to the pulminologist that Shriner is waiting for the trach to be gone before they consider the foot surgery, and that it would be great to go back in November without the trach. Her response wasn't promising - but maybe we'll at least have a timeline by then to be able to get things rolling. (Her main concern is taking the trach out before winter really sets in, just in case you get sick and need the support - understandable but BLAH!)

After that appointment we went over for your weight check - you've gained an average of 6 grams a day since we were there last. Not stellar, below average, but it's still an upward trend. We talked with them about the milk allergy and they've switched you to a different formula that's made without any dairy whatsoever. The good news: you seem to be tolerating it well so far (again, only day 2); the bad news: Mama gets to wash bottles two times a day (day and night shift) and measure formula and it smells. I'll manage :)

To offset the barely there weight gain - you grew 8 cm (about 3.14 inches)!!! There have been several comments made in the last month or so about how tall you were looking, but we just attributed it to the fact that we got your leg braces, and they're already making a difference in how straight your legs are. Apparently, you did some growing too!!! The dietician didn't believe it at first and asked them to remeasure, but sure enough - 8 cm!

So the last two days we've been floating on happy news - Daddy was home with us all day yesterday (unusual for a Friday!) and you enjoyed getting to spend some time with him. Today we've been lazy - you did some playing, took a nap, played some more and spent some time in your gait trainer. You really love being in that thing - and usually head straight for the back door to look outside!

So this afternoon we decided to go try out the new patio that Grandpa, Daddy and I worked so hard on! It was mildly successful -

Right after this, you backed up too far and hit the downward incline on the edge and it sent you rolling into the weren't too thrilled about that :( I had just gotten you calmed down from that when you backed your head into the table I had just moved outside... we were done with walking for the day! On the plus side, we got the gait trainer adjusted so that you can't lean back so far anymore and it's really making a difference in how well you're able to move your legs and propel yourself forward!

Keep moving forward - we'll get you a mirror for backing up!

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