Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Big 2-0...Months - Aug 20

Things have been SO crazy since sisters came home but you have absolutely loved the attention you've gotten from them. You definitely missed them when they were gone!

Your attitude has continued to...evolve (I'll use that word instead of others Icould choose...) You have good days and bad days. When it's a good day you love everyone and pass out hugs and kisses like they're pennies. But on your bad days (like today) you latch on to grudges of any perceived slight (like someone asking if you're hungry or want to play) and those smiles and kisses become more like diamonds. 

Your love of anything crunchy has popped out over the last week or so and I'm pretty sure you've devoured a box of cheerios all on your own! You have gotten back into eating more of your vegetables and Mama finally remembered to get some more sweet potatoes and a butternut squash. Yesterday, you wouldn't eat anything (teething) but I handed you a chunk of sweet potato and you went to town! You are definitely in the phase where you want whatever is on Mama's plate (even if it's the exact same thing as your plate) and have started helping yourself to whatever you see.

Chicken Express roll anyone? I missed the shot of her grabbing the drumstick...
You have added three more signs to your list: bubbles, drink/water and yes. You aren't able to do them exactly correct because of your limitations, but you've done them consistently enough that we know what they mean. You've also added the bababababa and papapapapa sounds to your rambling so when you talk it sounds like mamamamamabanapapapapababamamamama. Apparently, whatever that means is REALLY important though because you always have a super serious face when you say it!

You have really enjoyed playing ball this month - especially with Little Big:

You recently discovered our rocking chair and had a blast in it - you've sat in it before with Mama but this time it was apparently WAY more fun!

Another super fun activity we've been enjoying is bike riding! We finally found a baby seat that wasn't a million dollars and you have gone riding with Mama a few times.  You were really hesitant about the helmet at first, especially after I buckled it under your chin, but the ride made it worth it!

Bath time is still your favorite, but now you do a lot more playing with your toys than just splashing. You like lining up your duckies on the edge and have figured out how to put the bowl on your head all by yourself! Yay for arm range of motion :)

We got new AFOs (boots) today, as well as shoes for when you're standing to help encourage you to bear weight more. They also made some braces for you to wear when you sleep to help straighten out your legs / knees more. It was a long trip, and you were tired, cranky and teething, but we survived! The doctor said it might take you a few nights of getting used to the braces before you made it all the way through the night, but you are currently snoozing away without a care in the world about having something strapped to the back of your legs.

Keep growing and shining and loving people Silly Girl :)

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