Thursday, February 5, 2015

Growing Like a Weed - February 5

This week has been kind of slow - no outside appointments, nothing too exciting; BUT you continue to learn a little bit more every day!

You FINALLY started signing "Daddy" and even asked for Daddy last night when I picked you up out of your high chair. He was pretty happy :)

You've got two molars coming in so you've been drooling like crazy, but other than that they don't seem to be bothering you! You haven't had any fever and you haven't been overly cranky or whiny.

You have been eating a LOT more the last few days and sleeping a lot longer and more deeply during your naps. This morning you actually slept until 8:35 when I had to wake you up so you could eat breakfast before your tube feeding started. You usually barely make it to 7:30 or 7:40 before you are wide awake and ready to play! The last time you started eating and sleeping this much you grew out of most of your clothes within two weeks. Thankfully we've stocked up on 12-18 month clothes since your birthday so we should be good to go.

When you eat, you are no longer happy with just eating a lot of one thing. You will eat three or four bites of one food and then sign "finished" then "eat" again so that we will give you something different. For breakfast this morning you had apple sauce with prunes, corn, avocado and peas. Three or four bites of one, then the next, then the next until we've gone through them all two or three times. You're actually eating more this way so no complaints here! We've got to get you ready for your swallow study on February 23rd so all the different textures and consistencies is great.

You are working hard on standing still - you love trying but your legs just don't quite have the strength or the range of motion to hold you up yet. Your PT keeps finding new ways to practice though so we'll keep working on it!

We finally got you doing most of your signs on video (two of them actually). Until this point you have only gone through them all on command twice, neither of which you let us film. You also signed your first two word phrase this week ("more" "eat") which thrilled your speech therapist since most babies don't start putting words together until closer to two years old.

Keep learning Sweet Girl!

Part One:

Part Two:


  1. Oh Sweet Lexi, you make my heart sing with Joy! What an amazing Baby Girl you are! You are such an easy-going, laid-back child. Nanny loves you so very much!

  2. Amazing baby girl! Showing off all she can do and happy to be growing & learning. Such a lucky girl to be born into a wonderful family!
