Thursday, February 19, 2015

14 Months Old! - February 19

Tomorrow you will be 14 months old - time seems to have slowed down half a millisecond since you turned one but that's not enough for me!

You've been sick the last couple of days and while I definitely do NOT like that, you are such a cuddly baby when you are sick and I can't help but enjoy the fact that all you want me to do is hold you. You are usually way too busy and energetic to let me hold you close for too long; you pop your head up every 15 seconds, afraid to miss something exciting because you are still way too nosy :)

Your vocabulary continues to expand - you are now signing sleep / bed, at least your version of it. The sign for sleep / bed is:
You can't quite get both of your hands on one side of your face by yourself, so you do an approximation: 

So you can now sign: mama, daddy, eat, more, finished, sleep, up, down, open, closed, please, thank you, bye-bye (and occasionally hi), bath and can identify your eyes, teeth, ears and hair. 

We introduced a couple of new foods this month - you really like peaches and those seem to agree with you as well; not so much pumpkin. You got a small rash after eating pumpkin so we're going to hold off on that and try again sometime soon to make sure that's what really caused it. You also got to try broccoli and ate about half an ounce of broccoli and carrots mixed together. Your favorites are still butternut squash and sweet potato. You've also started eating baby cookies too - although you can't quite handle the big bites when you take them, you do well with small amounts.

You are getting really good at rolling the ball, putting things in buckets and taking them out, turning pages, handing objects to us (and taking them right back), and still love to dance anytime any type of music comes on. Earlier this week, I bought you a mirror and you while you weren't quite sure about that baby in the mirror, you've gotten to really enjoy talking to her :)

We got everything worked out for the appointment in Houston so we'll head that way on March 22nd and see everyone there on the 23rd and then go from there! This month we've got appointments with the pulminologist, ENT will see you and schedule an appointment to do an internal look at your trach and how everything is going AND on Monday we have your swallow study! The goal is to add soft solids (scrambled eggs, soft carrots, etc) and potentially start working on liquids.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Dancing with the baby in the mirror! A new friend to share all those priceless expressions with. Thank you, Ruby, for posting the picture of what the sign language terms should look like. I love her little antics and her beautiful interpretations <3
