Monday, May 29, 2023

Medical Monday - May 29

 Well today’s post almost didn’t as we had a busier day than I thought it would be! Today’s focus is on prepping and packing, which is tedious enough for a normal trip, but trying to plan for 8 weeks and a 5 day drive has been…fun? For my Type A, over planning brain it has been a little stressful knowing that about 90% of the packing can’t actually happen until 3 or 4 days before we leave because we still need clothes, and medicines, and equipment and all that jazz. So that leaves us here:

These tubs have been on my dining room table for about 2 weeks and I have been slowly collecting items that we don’t use daily and putting them in the assigned tub…

Because of course each tub has an associated, detailed packing list 🤷‍♀️

So the plan is that these four tubs will go in the back of the car and hold everything that we don’t need on the drive to Florida. We’ll have one suitcase with travel clothes, and of course beach stuff, for the trip. So all that leaves is feeding pump and supplies, percussive vest, nebulizer and supplies, and a wheelchair to fit…somewhere. I think I have a plan but we’ll find out the day before when we load up how good my spatial skills are 😳.

Other updates:
We’ve finished appointments with GI, Pulmonology, and her pediatrician. Added some extra breathing treatments to make sure her lungs are as strong as possible before surgery (thanks to all the Central Texas allergens and constant storms blowing through we’ve had some struggles this month.) We picked up her new manual chair last Thursday (that’s the one going with us) so she’s been building up her arm strength and endurance as much as we can. This week we check ENT off the list and get her ears fitted for new hearing aid molds that will be waiting for us when we get back!

I think that’s all for now. If you didn’t get an invite for her surgery send off party and are interested please let me know. If you would like to mail a card for me to add to her box of well wishes (hoping to get one card for each day) let me know also and I’ll send you our address. And if you’d like to send her some goodies to keep her busy during recovery, I think there are still a few things on her Amazon list ❤️

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