Monday, May 22, 2017

April and May 2017 - Getting Caught Up

April was a pretty calm month - not a lot to report on! You had a fun time going with Patches to his training classes and got pretty good at telling him to sit. So good in fact, that your teach told us you started telling the other students "No. Sit." very forcefully and commanding-ly (??) when they would try to stand up during circle time. Proud parenting moments. In particular, you have enjoyed the fact that the classes take place in the park where there are slides and swings!

We did have an appointment with the Pulminologist and while she isn't ready to discharge you quite yet, she did move you to an every 12-month appointment. Between 5 and 6 years old she wants to do some lung function tests and continue monitoring those results to give us a better idea of what to expect as you continue growing.

May has been a whirlwind; I can hardly believe we're already at the end of the school year! Your speech therapy has been decreased to once a week because your feeding issues have significantly improved! Now their primary focus is clearing up some articulation issues and working on conversational speaking.

Biggest news from May is that we scheduled your first foot surgery - we will start casting on June 5 and have your surgery on July 19. While I am not looking forward to you having to be off your feet for 12 weeks, and in a cast all summer when you are just starting to fall in love with the water, I am excited for this procedure to be taken care of. It should be the last major procedure until you are between 7 and 10. I am also thankful that our PT encouraged us to go ahead and get the power chair process taken care of so that you are already used to driving your chair around. It will be interesting to start transporting that with us all summer long!

We are working on reducing your tube feeds - your oral intake has shot up in the last few months and you started telling me "no green food" more often because your tummy was too full for anything else. I've been playing around with your blend and have figured out a few options (one for on the road and one for at home) to get the same amount of calories into you, but at a lower volume so you can still eat. There are days when I feel like that's all you do - your food list has expanded greatly: cheerios, fruit loops, pretzels, crackers, chips, chicken, french fries, broccoli, carrots, corn, apples and peanut butter, bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes and (most importantly) SOMEGHETTI! You will eat and eat and eat if we have spaghetti.

We had some fun last week with a photo shoot we've been wanting to do since Christmas but just now made the time for - you and your babies in your Frozen outfits and matching boots! I am so so so thrilled with the way the shots turned out, and to start working with your Loftstrand Crutches! I don't know that we'll get them figured out before casting starts and you're off your feet for three months but you've had fun trying the last few days!

I think that's all for now - my brain is a little fried with end-of-school activities and appointments and schedules so I'm sure I forgot something! June and July will be busy, exciting, different and anxiety-inducing (at least for me) so I'm sure there will be a lot to report on then!

1 comment:

  1. 12 weeks are going to fly by! You're little family stays so busy, there won't be time to get bored during this transition. Lexi Jo, great things are coming your way, Darlin ♡
