Saturday, August 20, 2016

Shriner, Surgery and Singing - August 20

Surgery went AMAZINGLY well! The ENT said it was almost a "normal" procedure...which is saying a lot for Lexi! It was a long two and half days at the hospital, but we made it. We watched Bunny (Zootopia), ElsaAnna (Frozen) and Horton (Horton Hears a Who) at least three or four times each. Read every book. Played with every toy. But overall, it was a much better stay than last time.

Smiling and Happy while we wait
Getting ready to head back - not as happy after this...

Time to head home!
This is what your incision looked like the week after surgery:

And here it is now:

Another suggestion the developmental specialist had was to start helping you learn how to type now because it will likely be a huge communication tool for you. I searched and searched for a couple of weeks but all kids toys have all of the letters in ABC order. I FINALLY found something at Walmart that looks like a little keyboard and you have been challenged to figure out where the letters are at when they aren't in order!

They made some changes to your HKFOs (hip knee foot orthotic) at Shriners so that they are much lighter and it made a HUGE difference! You've been walking really well in your reverse walker these last few weeks instead of just standing and crying!

Working on the video from AMC Awareness day didn't happen in the waiting room. Got the slides in video mode, just have to find a time when everything around me is quiet for about 30 minutes (HAHAHAHA!) to record the voice portion. I'm going to go ahead and post the EYL post because I don't know when I'll get the video finished and that post was started at the end of June and has just been sitting in drafts since then.

Singing has become one of your favorite things - lately you love singing the B-I-B-L-E, Days of Creation, Elsa Song (Let it Go), Olaf Song (Summer) Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. You love singing with us during worship and usually start saying "More sing songs" after each one ends.

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