Saturday, April 2, 2016

Just Waiting...and Walking! - April 2

So we're just waiting. Patiently. Not so patiently but trying to pretend it's patiently.

You slept well during your sleep study; they only had to adjust the sensors twice. You were a little smarty pants when we got there - you started pointing to all the spots on your head where the sensors are supposed to go. Two years old and seven sleep studies know. We won't get the official results until we go in on April 6 for your airway evaluation...which is where the waiting patiently comes in.

This isn't as much an update as a chance to post something while we wait for Wednesday and to let everyone else know that we don't know anything yet.

Here's some showing off instead -

You can count to 10:

And say your ABCs:

And you finally figured out how to get yourself down on the ground, and then back up again:

Lastly, we got this new toy from your PT yesterday and the first thing you wanted to do this morning was get back in it and GO!

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